Story time:
So, AJ's last day of school was this past Friday and last year, I had made him a sign welcoming him to summer with balloons. This year, I wanted to do something again. Jackson and I had fun making a sign that read "No Mo' School!" and we decorated the sidewalk/driveway with chalk, and I even had summertime songs playing when he got off the bus. I always realize that I usually have more fun with these things than my boys. I just remember the events as a kid that I thought were special and how I loved parties so why not try to make the most of those important days to a kid with something memorable!? AJ got off the bus, and of course I didn't get the response I was hoping for. Though he enjoyed it eventually, it was obvious he had been crying. He was so sad school was out. He did have good reason because there is a new elementary school opening in Gardner, and a lot of the kids from his school are going there in the fall. Along with that, his teacher, Mrs. Birk, will be at a different school next year to. Like I said, legitimate reason to be sad. I even thought it was sweet when he said the whole class cried, along with his teacher when they said their goodbyes. Tears were shed all day... not kidding! What kid isn't happy about summer?? After we played outside for awhile, AJ came in and showed me his yearbook and all the people that signed it. More tears. Then he looked at it and said "It's all the names of people I knew"... like they were dead! I had to remind him he would see most of them in August, some even at baseball and the pool... not to mention that the people moving schools are just a phone call away. I mean, Gardner is a small town and they will all be united again at middle school in a couple years. So we get happy again and I took him to Red Robin for lunch to cash in his free meal that he won at school. Trying to keep the mood happy, I played Alice Cooper's "School's Out" in the car... we were rockin out! Then it got to the part about "no more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks". Oh geez... more tears. AJ said "It was a good song until the no more teachers part!" We talk about how it's talking about dirty looks and it's just for fun. Not kidding... ten minutes AFTER the song was over and done, he mumbles "Mrs. Birk never gave a dirty look", and cried some more! We had several more comments like that throughout the day, and I even had to take his yearbook away for awhile. Oh my word... so dramatic! Especially for a boy... I mean, I don't know who's son he is! haha... just kidding. According to my mom, that was the story of her life growing up with me. I think he is starting to get happy about summer after a couple days of staying up later and sleeping in, but I do have to say this... it says a lot about a teacher when all the kids leave school in May in tears. That I can appreciate.
AJ is so sweet! Gotta love that boy and his tender heart!!!! YAY SUMMER!