Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Being the Woman of His Dreams

One thing that has always bothered me throughout the years in conversations with women, and just observation alone is when women stop caring about their looks after they are married with kids. I had this conversation again recently, and it has just stuck with me this week. It urks me to hear women say things like "they don't have time to look good" or "their husband should just love me for me". Now, before I start offending anyone, let me explain. And if you aren't guilty of doing it, then there is no reason to be offended. :)

There is absolute truth to the statement that a husband should love us for us, no matter what. They should. HOWEVER, why do women think it is ok to stop taking care of themselves after they have kids and are married? Young women too! I am not at all in the sense talking about those of us who gain weight... kids will do that and so will age I have learned. I am talking about those who do not bother to shower or put normal clothes on once in awhile, they don't have to be super dressy but maybe clean and a little stylish. I do not feel like it takes a whole lot of time to put in a little effort for your husband... take a shower, put some makeup on, maybe do your hair, or heaven forbid shave your legs! LOL. It really doesn't take much to show you made an effort for him, nor does it cost a whole lot. Put on the pair of sweat pants that he loves because it makes your butt look good... paint your nails because he said he likes it... or wear the perfume you know is his favorite. Also, I have kids so I know that there are times, especially with newborns where you are exhausted... not to mention those with twins, triplets, etc. That doesn't count... I am talking about just in general overall. It bothers me when people have an attitude that since they are married, they don't have to try for their husband anymore, and are annoyed that he would even want them to. But it pisses them off (pardon my language) when their husband tells them it bothers him. What?! I told Tony I want him to tell me when that happens... even if it might hurt my feelings a little, I would want to know if he was losing attraction towards me, and vice versa. Or what blows my mind is when women openly talk about withholding intimicy with their husband. I know for a fact, that these same women would probably leave their husband if they found them guilty of looking at another women, or having thoughts about another women. In all fairness, it would be wrong for them to. But how is that fair? We learned this in marriage counseling from our pastor BEFORE we even got married. Men (and women too) need to stay away from things that be of temptation... BUT, us as wives need to help them not have a reason to be fall into temptation. Also, our pastor even preaches on the topic once in awhile. Why would you not want to be the sexiest and most beautiful thing to your husband still after years of marriage? There is nothing I love more than the times my husband looks at me like he did back when we were first dating and married. I thrive on  those moments. I want to be the person he fell in love with back in the day. I love looking at couples who have been together for years and years, and you can just see the passion and the spark there. Where he looks at his wife like she is the most beautiful thing he has ever laid eyes on. Now, I am sure if you asked them they would say it is work and there have been ups and downs for them too.

I am not an expert at marriage in any sense at all... and I mean AT ALL. In our eight years of marriage, we have had a lot of downs, and it is still a constant struggle to get it right. In fact, I tend to be a very selfish wife in a lot of ways... of course not on purpose, but I can admit I have selfish tendencies when it comes to some aspects. And I nag a lot... sometimes too much. I don't mean to! But one thing that I do try to do and he would say the same thing is trying to put effort in looking good for him. Now, men should do the same thing. If they want us to be looking good for them, then they need to put effort into it too. I am not going to lie when I say there have been times I have felt annoyed for putting effort into my appearance and not feeling that in return... just a few times. There are also times when I don't really like him much, so why does he deserve me or the effort? Come on.... you all have thought the same thing when you weren't happy with your man. I can't be the only one. :)

One thing that I am trying to get better at when it comes to Tony is trying to come up with cutesie things for him like I do my kids. I put a lot of thought and work when it comes to spending time and activities with my kids, but when it comes to Tony I am horrible. Of course, we have our date night and we go to dinner, but I am talking about the things that take effort and work. For example, I make signs for my kids when they get out of school for the summer. Not that Tony wants a sign, but just the fact of acknowledging things that are special to him and important and really making him feel like I am excited with him. So that is another goal for me. Thank goodness for Pinterest and their great ideas! HAHA.

A few years ago, I read a book called "Becoming the Women of His Dreams". It is written by a Christian author, named Sharon Jaynes. I bought it at a time where Tony and I were not doing so well and weren't happy with each other, and I could feel our marriage slipping through our fingers. It was a desperate attempt to make an effort in stepping up as a wife and finding out how I could better my part. The author surveyed hundreds of men asking them questions like "How would you describe the woman of your dreams", and "What do you wish your wife understood"? While some answers are common sense, others are very surprising. There is also a book for men focused on the needs that hundreds of surveyed women. It's a good read if anyone is every interested.

Anyways, just some things that have been on my heart lately. Man, people weren't kidding when they said blogging/journaling your thoughts can be therapeutic... lol!

Here is a picture of the book I was talking about:

Monday, June 3, 2013

Color Run: The happiest 5k on the Planet!

Yesterday, I did the Color Run for the second year in a row... and once again, it was awesome! Last year, I did it with my sister and her friends, and one of my besties but this year, my husband, son, and brother-in-law did it. It was so fun to have AJ do it with us, and he had a blast! Not to mention, he was just so darn cute! Of course he couldn't run the whole thing so we walked some, but I am so proud of him because he kept up pretty well. Did I say he was so cute? We got some fun pictures, and definately made a memory! Who doesn't love a reason to wear a tutu, crazy socks, and get dirty?? I think AJ felt special doing something with Tony and I without his brothers. There was an annoying part of the day at the end when we were in the mosh pit area trying to catch free stuff. AJ was on Tony's shoulders and he caught a sweatshirt the guy on the stage threw to him. This little girl tried tearing it from his hands, he wouldn't let go and she almost pulled him off of Tony's shoulders. Lucky for him, Tony and I both caught him. But she still didn't let go! I could have punched this girl in the face. I didn't of course, and no, I don't condone hitting children.... but she was so rude! He finally was the bigger person and let go, but he was so bummed! I had to keep it together and keep Tony from punching her dad in the face for encouraging her! UGH... of course, my sweet boy let her have it. Lucky for us and him, he caught a free beach ball that made him just as happy.. lol! I love that kid. If your city has the Color Run through sometime then I suggest looking into it... it is perfect for us because it is non-competitive and and a walk/run. It is one big party, and just all in all a great time. Our city raised money for the Ronald McDonald House. Also, our city has had such a huge turn out both years they have come that they made it two days. Thousands and thousands of people both days. Here are some of our pictures:

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Children's Place Summer Sale!!

Wanted to pass on that Children's Place is having a summer sale until June 2, and a spring clearance sale. I love Children's Place! If I plan it out and go during the sales, and take my coupons, I can usually get an awesome deal. I have gone in there some times and ended up with $300 dollars worth of stuff for less than half the price. Of course that doesn't happen everytime, but if you plan well and save your coupons then you can really get a lot.

Children's Place Sale